14 Ocak 2013

in The Look

From the first time I saw these boots, I fell in love!I have to thank to my dear partner Yasemin, that she bought them for me from Rome!Thanks babe:)

Nowadays we’re so busy as usual, working hard and planning an openning ceremony for our new office&showroom!

P.S. ‘No’ is the soul of the ego.The moment you accept your ordinariness, you become extraordinary…


Bu botlara ilk anda asik oldum!Bitanecik ortagim Yasemin’e kocaman tesekkur ediyorum, Roma’da numarasini bulup bana almis:)

Bu aralar her zaman ki gibi yogun calisiyoruz, haftaya acilisimiz olacak, sevgiler…


Boots, Jimmy Choo

Jeans, J Crew

Top, Alexander Wang

Jacket, Mybestfriends Prefall 2013 Preview

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Sayın KARACA Ocak 14, 2013, 12:17

Bende cekete aşık oldum. Bu sıralar fazlasıyla taktığım bir renk..


2 Radhia Şubat 5, 2013, 17:32

how a woman can not fall in love with these beauties!
just perfect 🙂


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